Orange Muffin & Walnut Cupcake Class (GF, DF, EF, SF) 香橙鬆餅和核桃蛋糕班 (無麩質 無蛋奶大豆)
Muffins and cupcakes are good afternoon snacks or bring-to-school snacks. On 9th July, we had an allergy-friendly baking class learning to make orange muffins and walnut mini cupcakes.
Each student got his/her own set and have hands-on practice.
The two recipes resulted in a very different cake texture.
We got to experience the use of gluten-free flours: coconut flour, sorghum flour, brown rice flour, white rice flour, quinoa flour and tapioca starch.
Here are some orange muffins before putting into the oven...
and AFTER ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ):
The kitchen was filled with a nice orange aroma.
Here are the mini walnut cupcakes before putting into the oven....
and AFTER !
Looking at the nicely popped mini cakes is so satisfying. (o˘◡˘o)
Thank you all of you for coming and sharing your hearts.
See you next time ╰(*´︶`*)╯